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Gaming on Ten

Sep 14, 2021

This week, Nick and Don are met with surge-capacity and the end of our short-term survival.  Also, I forgot to mention that that new Predator game kinda sucks and it bums me out.


Games mentioned :

  • Psychonauts 2
  • The Artful Escape
  • The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles
  • Nick's Fourth P3 Game Dev Diary

News :

Tags: gaming, video games, xbox, ps4, playstation, pinball, bingo, podcast, xbo, ddr, japan, jrpg, persona, demon hunter, hunterxhunter, demonxdemon, p3, gamedev, development, videogames, video games, gaming, taito, namco, bandai, konami, lead, gold, tin, iron, platinum, zinc, anime, steam, vr, oculus, rewards, vibin