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Gaming on Ten

Sep 24, 2019

This week, Don is joined by Chefstar and we go DEEP on Apple Arcade and the Sega Genesis Mini, with a couple other games mentioned here and there and 'New Releases' near the end of the show at the (01:03:25) mark.  Thanks Chef!

Games mentioned, starts around (00:28:14) :

  • Batman: Arkham Knight - PS4
  • Borderlands 3 - XBO
  • Super Lucky's Quest - XBO
  • Puzzle Quest - Switch


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Tags: gaming, video games, xbox, ps4, playstation, pinball, bingo, podcast, xbo, fortnite, xboxone, xbox one, nintendo, switch, nintendo switch, arcade, qbblitz, coinop, gameroom, jprg, ddr, stepmania, rhythm games, apex legends, software, overwatch, league, c64, labo, sega genesis mini