Aug 27, 2019
This week, Nick and Don get excited about a bunch of new games coming this week...and look forward to playing them in November.
Games mentioned, starts around 00:31:25 :
Aug 20, 2019
This week, Nick and Don very briefly mention like two dozen upcoming indie games (sooo... good luck keeping up with the titles...*pained smile*), and then talk about dating pigeons, as human beings.
Games mentioned, starts around 00:25:25 :
Aug 11, 2019
This week, Nick and Don blow through a bunch of news and then add more corners than a decagon.
Games mentioned, starts around 00:25:40 :
Aug 6, 2019
Available on the WiiU and 3DS Nintendo eShop for $3.99 US
Aug 6, 2019
This week, Nick and Don experiment with a new recording process and produce our most stilted and 'ummm...'-filled episode yet. Next week, we'll nail it!
Games mentioned, starts around 00:27:33 :